We are part of a Network of Churches called Pioneer, lead by Ness Wilson, who is the core leader of Open Heaven Church in
Loughborough. Open Heaven is our Resource church which helps to strenghten and serve our church and ministry at a local level.
For more information please click on on of the buttons below
Why Do We like Pioneer Network?
The Core Values...
Like our network, Franche Community Church Believes God is Community, and our aim is to reflect Him in all we do. We celebrate diversity, honour the gift of leadership
and demonstrate this not as hierarchy but as a spearhead to empower and equip the community the best we can. We value all people in all roles equally.
Like our network, we see ourselves as co-workers with God in His mission. We do this by presenting the Good News about Jesus in a way that is
relevent. As part of this we believe justice and social action are central to the message of Jesus (see our Food Bank work below as a demonstration of this).
Like our network, our lives and faith are engerised and informed by a living experiance of the Holy Spirit. This is demonstrated both individually
and corporately, by His Holy Spirit bringing revelation through prophecy, healing bodies and hearts, and performing miraculous signs. Also, this is rooted in Scriptures and informed by our beautiful
church history.
Like our network, we believe all of life and creation is sacred, as all have been made in the image of God. We, therefore, look to express a culture
and lifestyle of worship, all day, everyday. Our commitment to you is that we equip and empower you to serve Jesus in all spheres of life, be that buisness, politics, media, community, education,
creativity or the arts. We look to partnering with any group possible in our commitment to unity in the Body of Christ. As such we have great relationships with local churches, social and community
groups, schools and various other volunteer organisations. If you're looking for extra support in your project, let us know how we can help.
We have three key distinctives,which excite and energise us:
- The role of
women and young people in leadership. We welcome and promote the role of women at every level of leadership, and we aim to see all expressions of life and age in our leadership
- Our understanding of scripture is that there are no roles within the church that cannot be fulfilled by women and that would
include bottom line church leadership.
Our understanding of the call of leadership is that it is a call first and
foremost to serve. Our theological understanding of scripture is that therefore there is no ceiling on the way in which both genders can serve in leadership, and has been demonstrated throughout
Scripture and church History, through powerful gamechangers like Deborah, Miriam, Esther, Lydia, Mary (all three of them), Pheobe, Rosa Parks, Mother Teresa, and Susan B Anthony to name just a few.
Roles within the church are based on calling and gifting rather than gender or Age.
- Unity of the
Body of Christ. We actively and intentionally pursue unity and work in partnership – locally and nationally.
- Adventure. As ‘pioneers’ we want to continue to innovate, to take risks, to try new things, to be Spirit-led people and to have fun as we serve God’s
For More Information on our network and their Values, please Click on the Button below.